Rom-Com Combines Beautiful Friendship, Quirky Dating Advice by Anne Eliot Feldman Leah DeCesare’s debut novel Forks, Knives and Spoons (SparkPress) is a fun, fast-paced story that evokes both comedy and heart as a single dad sends his only daughter off to college with...
In less than an hour, I’ll be chatting with, Ann Garvin, the Founder of the Tall Poppy Writers and the awesome Facebook group, Bloom. If you’re not already a member, jump on FB and click to join. It’s a warm and energetic community of readers and...
5 Killer Books For Fans of Riverdale by She Reads We can’t get enough of the Archie Comics spinoff Riverdale, and we’re guessing you can’t either. With its upcoming Winter hiatus on the horizon, we’ve put together this list of books we...
I’m happy to share with you this Graduation Giveaway including a signed copy of Forks, Knives, and Spoons, a Macbeth Collection by Margaret Josephs catchall bag with the message: “Imagine, Believe, Achieve,” a clear glass coffee mug imprinted with...
LEAH DECESARE’S NEW BOOK, FORKS, KNIVES, AND SPOONS! GET IT TODAY! by Melissa My good friend and tennis partner, Leah DeCesare, is now officially a third time author and you DO NOT WANT TO MISS DOWNLOADING HER NEW BOOK! Her new book is called Forks, Knives, and Spoons...