Hometown Author And Her Debut Novel To Be Celebrated At Booth Library By Shannon Hicks Leah (Bogdan) DeCesare has very fond memories of growing up in Newtown. The author and blogger was born in Danbury Hospital, attended Trinity Day School, and was one of the first...
A Delicious Debut From a Local Author By Kemill Logarta In today’s technology driven world, many may have forgotten what dating was like in the pre-Tinder ‘80s. Some don’t even have a clue. East Greenwich author Leah DeCesare takes readers back to those times with her...
Local author publishes romantic novel By Gabrielle Falletta EAST GREENWICH- According to Amy York, there are three types of men: forks knives and spoons. Although she is a fictional character, the concept of separating men into categories of cutlery is one that is...